Coloured ceramic markings on medical instruments.

Ad-tech® - Markings for Medical Instruments


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Ad-tech® the cutting-edge color-coding system designed to redefine standards for medical instrument markings. Developed by a German company in collaboration with Adelhelm Lubricoat NA, our ad-tech® ceramic is a remarkable and highly resilient material, perfect for creating customized, biocompatible, and abrasion-resistant markings on medical instruments.

Why Choose ad-tech®?

  • Resilience: ad-tech® is engineered to withstand external influences, ensuring longevity and durability in any medical setting.
  • Sterilisable & Biocompatible: Our color-coding system passes the most stringent medical standards, making it suitable for sterilization processes without compromising biocompatibility.
  • Non-Fading & Brilliant Colors: With a wide palette of customizable colors, ad-tech® guarantees high-quality and non-fading markings.
  • Versatile Applications: Whether it is a color ring, color point, or free form, ad-tech® can be applied to fulfill various custom requirements.

Medical instrument parts, marked with Ad-Tech ceramik markings

Ad-tech® - medical marking technology

resilient, sterilizable, and brilliantly colored

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The Superiority of ad-tech® Markings

ad-tech® has been a trusted solution in the medical technology and industrial sectors for years, thanks to its exceptional resilience during reprocessing and various temperature ranges. Even exposure to harsh cleaning agents and coolants won't affect its inherent biocompatibility. The system's colors are non-toxic and safe for medical use.

Customize with Confidence

The ad-tech® color palette offers a wide array of shades, and we can even mix colors to meet your specific needs. From sharp-edged grooves to precise holes, our color-coding system guarantees a flawless finish. With ad-tech®, you can ensure clarity and prevent confusion in any medical setting.

Location of the Adelhelm Lubricoat Na LLC